項目名稱 Item |
規格參數 Specifications |
備注 Remarks |
打包對象 Container requirements |
瓶子200ml-5L, 瓶身高/瓶子直徑≦4 Ranging from 200 ml to 5L; the ratio between height and diameter should be less than 4 |
打包尺寸范圍 Packaging sizes |
(400-1200)*(400-650)*(50-300)(長*寬*高) Length: 400 to 1200 mm; Width: 400 to 650 mm Height: 20-300 mm |
運輸帶長度 Conveyor length |
2200MM(長)*114.3(寬)平頂直鏈 Standard conveyor: L*W 2200mm*114.3mm |
可定制 Can be customized. |
輸送帶離地高 Conveyor height |
850±50 mm | 可定做 Conveyor height |
氣源要求 Air pressure |
6-8 Bar | 用方提供 Supplied by the purchaser |
裝機功率 Power consumption |
2KW | |
產量 Output |
產量:約3000-4000瓶/時 3,000 to 4,000 per hour |